I am so glad theirs a bill for the students out there, I believe Texas Should pass this bill because there will be less stress on family's that can’t afford for their kids to go to college and with this bill in affect family's can now know what their kids tuition will be next semester and not be afraid that it will go up 10% or more. What I’m angry about is that why did it take over 6 years to come to a decision. Texas education should be a top priority. Now I also think that Texas should help all the students instead of just a few, with housing discounts and etc. so students can concentrate more on school than trying to figure out if they are going to make next month’s rent. Texas needs to realize that we are the future; I believe they need to invest more money in college students; By maybe paying for half their books or for supplies they need.
In conclusion if this passes or doesn't;Texas should raise there cap higher on Education, they should be investing a lot more on the students rather than wasting it on stuff they don't need. there are a lot of students that don't have the privilege to go to college and Texas also needs to do more for people like that but if it took 6 years to come to this; who knows how long it will take for the government to help those people that cant afford to go to college.