Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good point!

Now I believe they do this because these are very sensitive topics to talk about especially when it comes to abortion... I believe this subject is strictly up to the Women if she wants it or not, I don’t think it should be up to the government to make a decision like that. This is a great argument and something you can talk about for a long time. Now I think they need to stop putting these topics to the side and make them a priory... Great blog
you can check out this blog here.

Monday, May 4, 2009

limiting college tution

I am so glad theirs a bill for the students out there, I believe Texas Should pass this bill because there will be less stress on family's that can’t afford for their kids to go to college and with this bill in affect family's can now know what their kids tuition will be next semester and not be afraid that it will go up 10% or more. What I’m angry about is that why did it take over 6 years to come to a decision. Texas education should be a top priority. Now I also think that Texas should help all the students instead of just a few, with housing discounts and etc. so students can concentrate more on school than trying to figure out if they are going to make next month’s rent. Texas needs to realize that we are the future; I believe they need to invest more money in college students; By maybe paying for half their books or for supplies they need.

In conclusion if this passes or doesn't;Texas should raise there cap higher on Education, they should be investing a lot more on the students rather than wasting it on stuff they don't need. there are a lot of students that don't have the privilege to go to college and Texas also needs to do more for people like that but if it took 6 years to come to this; who knows how long it will take for the government to help those people that cant afford to go to college.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Totally Agree

I totally agree that it shouldn't be up to one person to make a decision on the federal stimulus fund. We should be taking advantage of the money and help more people get jobs. i think by doing this will only make matters worse and the unemployment rate will just be going up. I hope the Texas Senate overides his vote

you did a great job in giving great detail in your blog its on track and your evidence is there. Good job.

You can find this article here

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Danger on the road

I believe Texas should pass a law that would stop people from using their cell phones while driving and should only be used with a hands free device. Cell phone distractions causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United States every year. now by having hands free devices i believe we could at least cut that number in half. Now the only state i know that has a like this is California, and i believe Texas should be part of that law to, by doing this drivers will be more aware of their surroundings and also reducing traffic congestion's

Now i know some people might not agree with this and some of their excuses are that they cant afford a bluetooth and etc. but a lot of these cell phones come with a headset when you buy the phone and there also only like $12 for a wired one. But i hope the Texas government considers in passing a law like this.

I also think that teen drivers are another reason for deaths on the road, they should make the teens under the age of 18 harder for them to receive there licences.

But in conclusion the Texas government should try to pass a law for the cell phones and should make it a priority for the safety of other drivers.

Danger on the road

I believe Texas should pass a law that would stop people from using their cell phones while driving and should only be used with a hands free device. Cell phone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United States every year. Now by having hands free devices I believe we could at least cut that number in half. Now the only state I know that has a law like this is California, and I believe Texas should be part of that law to, by doing drivers will be more aware of their surrounding and also reducing traffic congestions.

Now I know some people might not agree with this and some of their excuses are that they can’t afford a Bluetooth and etc. but a lot of these cell phones come with a headset when you buy the phone and there also only like $12 for a wired one. But I hope the Texas government considers in passing a law like this.

I also think that teen driver are another reasons for deaths on the road, they should make the teens under the age of 18 harder to get there license and not so easy to pass the test and also the driving test.

But in conclusion the Texas government should try to pass a law for the cell phones and should make it a priority for the safety of other drivers.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

concealed handgun on campus

I don’t agree with this bill. I don’t think everybody is going to actually keep their gun put up, some will be showing them off, there’s also a question like what if the person with the handgun get pissed off byk another person and pulls out his gun and threatens the person. People can get hurt and I don’t think guns should even be allowed on any school campus. The solution to safer schools is more security at schools and colleges. We should not let the students carry them.. now teachers I would except because there more mature and will have more control with their weapon. Another thing would be if the student got a bad grade then the student with the handgun could get angry and take it out on the teacher. I think the government should think about this more before they make a decision on this bill. But in my opinion I would vote no.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Give Texas homeowners more time..

I found an editorial in the Austin American statesman talking about a bill that would extend the 20 day policy before foreclosure to 45 days. Our 20 day policy is one of the shortest in the United States. This is definitely unacceptable. The bill will also have a list for homeowners in how to keep their house from foreclosing.

I do strongly agree that we need stronger laws to protect homeowners. I also think the banks should give more breaks for people who have lost their jobs. Maybe just letting them pay partial instead all. Just for a month or so to let them get a new job or save up some money. I also agree that this bill will pass easily because of all the families that are struggling with their mortgage and especially with the economy doing so poorly. I also think that with all these loans failings are the banks fault for letting people get loans that they knew they wouldn’t be able to afford, which I think is wrong. I also think the government should be helping the people more than helping these big banks.

The authors intended audience is towards the homeowners of Texas. He talks about this story really good all his evidence is there and he is explains the bill in good detail.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Texas Lawmaker Seeks Impeachment to a Judge.

Forth Worth lawmaker seeks impeachment to a Texas judge.. Well back in 2007 an inmate named Michael Richards which was scheduled to be executed September 25,2007.. his lawyer request that the court stay open an extra 20 minutes after closing. Judge Keller ignored and closed her court exactly at five o’clock. State rep. Lon Burnam is outraged and said "It’s one thing for a banker to close shop at 5 o’clock sharp. But a public official who stands between a human being and the death chamber must be held to a higher standard." To hear more on this Article check out Star-Telegram.

I think this a great article because Michael Richards could have had a second chance and also a Texas judge has not been impeached since 1970.