Monday, March 2, 2009

Give Texas homeowners more time..

I found an editorial in the Austin American statesman talking about a bill that would extend the 20 day policy before foreclosure to 45 days. Our 20 day policy is one of the shortest in the United States. This is definitely unacceptable. The bill will also have a list for homeowners in how to keep their house from foreclosing.

I do strongly agree that we need stronger laws to protect homeowners. I also think the banks should give more breaks for people who have lost their jobs. Maybe just letting them pay partial instead all. Just for a month or so to let them get a new job or save up some money. I also agree that this bill will pass easily because of all the families that are struggling with their mortgage and especially with the economy doing so poorly. I also think that with all these loans failings are the banks fault for letting people get loans that they knew they wouldn’t be able to afford, which I think is wrong. I also think the government should be helping the people more than helping these big banks.

The authors intended audience is towards the homeowners of Texas. He talks about this story really good all his evidence is there and he is explains the bill in good detail.

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